Yogasan/ Pranayam
Yogasan, the yogic exercises are an essential part of Preksha meditation. Until and unless the body is put into a relaxed, still and steady posture, one fails to achieve deep state of meditation. According to the Jain yoga practices, in the beginning, one should perform the yogic exercises on the floor in a lying posture that requires less energy. Subsequently yogic exercises in sitting and standing postures may be performed which increases the levels of energy consumption.
The technique related to breathing pattern in which balanced, regular, and rhythmic inhalation and exaltation in
specif! method is performed is known as pranayam. It comprises four stages:
1. Purak (inhalation)
2. Rechak (exhalation)
3. Antrika kumbhak (holding the breath inside after inhalation)
4. Bahya kumbhak (holding the breath outside after exhalation)
The concept of prana can be illustrated through an example. Electricity flows through a wire to a bulb. The presence of electrici can only be felt when the bulb lights up. Similarly, prana is the vital energy that like electricity flows through the human body and gets manifested through our actions. Pranayam is the technique to master over this prana.
Prayanam List
There are several types of pranayam, which mainly differ in the way exhalation and inhalations are performed. A
comprehensive list o some of the most important types of pranayam is given below. A detailed description of various
type of pranayam can be found in Preksha Meditation :Yogasana and Pranayam.
- Surya-bhedi pranayam
- Chandra-bhedi pranayam
- Anuloma-viloma pranayam
- Bhastrika pranayam
- Kappalbhati pranayam
- Sheetali prasiayam
- Ujjai pranayam
Pranayam serves the following objectives:
- Development, expansion, and control of vital energy
- Regulation of the flow of vital energy throughout the body
- Creation of a link between the physical body and the soul
- Healing of physical and mental disorders
- Harmony between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems
- The various stages of a well-performed pranayam provides the following benefits: In general, pranayam promotes
uninterrupted flow of the vital energy through nerves - Inhalation gives energy to the body Exhalation cures the abdominal ailments
- Holding the breath awakens the inherent potentials
- Some pranayam such as chandra-bhedi cools the body, purifies the blood and reenergizes the body.
Similarly, sheetali pranayam quenches the thirst, regulates the blood pressure, and enhances the glow of
the face. It also reflects the coolness and tranquility of mind. - Pranayam controls the breath rate and help to improve mental concentration
- Pranayam helps in realization of divine and intuitive powers
It is essential to learn the correct technique of pranayam before we practice it. An ill-performed pranayam may effect
the health! adversely. Following are some of the precautions that must be considered in order for pranayam to be
- Select a neat, clean, and noise-free location
- Always perform pranayam with empty-stomach
- Keep the neck and the spine erect and straight
- Keep the body relaxed
- Never perform pranayam if intoxicated
Pranayam is a scientific technique of correct breathing process. Well-performed pranayam not only assist in
sustaining good physical health but also heal diseases that are otherwise difficult to tackle.