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Registration Form

Gyanshala (Classes for Kids)

* Parent's First Name
Parent's Last Name
* Phone
* Email
Child 1: Name
Child 1: Date of Birth
 Gender   Grade
Child 2: Name
Add $150
Child 2: Date of Birth
 Gender   Grade
Health Information
Health Problem, if any
Food Allergies
Emergency Contact
Emergency Phone
Total Attendees
I/We have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions.

Terms and Conditions:

We agree to comply with all policies and regulations of the school. We will hold harmless and indemnify JVB Preksha Meditation Center/Jain Vishwa Bharati Houston, Inc., its directors, officers, employees and volunteers from any and all liability including expenses incurred or asserted by reason of all injuries to our child(ren) resulted on the premises or during classes, performances or for any injury during activities that result outside the scope of JVB Houston.   To provide a positive learning experience for all, the following guidelines must be observed:

  • Students must arrive promptly, at least 5 minutes before their scheduled classes begin. Kindly inform the school if a student is going to be absent.
  • Students must maintain minimum 75% attendance by the end of the year to be promoted to next level.
  • All children must be potty trained. Parents are permitted to witness the class to help the child at home. This is essential only for students 4 and below.
  • JVB  Houston may forfeit this privilege at any time if it becomes too noisy for the children to focus when parents are around.